Wednesday 26 September 2007


Hey guys im so sorry i was caught up with LOTS of work yesterday so the blog wasnt in reach! BUT i DID do a little sketch from Ashley Wood's brilliant graphic novel 'PopBot'. I'm trying to get a feel for the human anatomy so im still doing copies of other artists work. I will however be doing a drawing workout on saturday, advised by artist Bobby Chiu ( from one of his art books. This means i will show you lots of my drawings this weekend :D

PLUS i am doing life drawing classes next monday, cant wait!

PLUS! I GOT HALO 3 TODAY! Its just sitting in my room and i refuse to play. WHY?! Because my TV's sound isnt working! Just waiting for the electrician.. i will let you all know my review on it once i play.

See you guys tomorrow

- Digital Pilly

Monday 24 September 2007

Poor start to the week.. maybe?

WHAT a day. I wake up at 6 am to finish off some previous photography work from sunday which is needed for today. My eyes are heavy, hmmm is that a Dairy Milk bar? *munch munch munch*.. WAKE UP! YOU MUST WORK!

So there i am finishing off my last bits of photography at 7 am, shower, dress into summer clothes considering the hot hot weather this weekend. Whaddaya know... A TYPHOON! might as well have been with all that rain! What a long day of college it was for me. Sorry to bore you all with my Monday madness but i thought i would tell you Mondays are my busiest days, my schedule is full up with classes giving me no time to do my own art... so heres a little thing i was able to fit in for today :D

BUT there was just one thing that was lingering at the back of my mind for the whole day... the UK RELEASE OF HALO 3! OUT THIS WEDNESDAY! I got mine on pre-order :P I'll let you all know how surely amazing it is once i get my paws on it!!

Remember, my Gamer Tag is: Toxic Slug

Xbox 360

See you all tomorrow!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Paint and Pencil

Hey everyone,

Today was a good day. I went to the Royal Academy of Arts to take a look at the new exhibition for Georg Baselitz. What a strange man. I walked in the gallery to find that all his works were produced upside down and most of his old works have been made into 'Remix' paintings, exact modern copies where the colours and styles are altered. My favourite works were his pencil and ink portraits. They have a very Quentin Blake feel to them (the guy who illustrates Roald Dahl books). You can see his piece 'Oberon' posted above which was his largest piece there excluding all the deformed sculptures of men and women. This exhibition is a must-see, possibly one of the most interesting i've been to. It was certainly much better than the mind draining exhibition of Leonardo Da VInci at the Victoria and Albert Museum.. what a bore!! (despite the fact he is a genius, they could have made the exhibition a bit more lively..)

At the end of my visit i treated myself to some sushi from Japan Center across the road, yum yum.

I also did a sketch at home before i left, with reference from Men's Health mag. See you guys tomorrow!

- Digital Pilly

Saturday 22 September 2007

Sunny Saturdays Sketching Skills

Hey guys!

Day 2 on this blog and i have a few doodles to show. Its Saturday here in London and the sun is shining! I took my dog Kilo out today for two hours to soak up the sun where he managed to attempt to grab a goose by the pond and bring it home for dinner, don't think so. I heard a goose can break a man's ribs with its flapping wings so god knows what it would do to my dog!

I'll have you know i named this blog after Kilo, a fully black half labrador, half staffodshire bull terrier. :D

Please enjoy the little doodles today and tell me what you think!

PS. I have been playing Gear of War on my xbox 360 IMMENSELY and im gettin' GOOD! In fact i would say im possibly the best player out there :D Im getting ready for HALO 3 too so watch out n00bs!

If you fancy a challenge send me a friend request to my Gamer Tag: Toxic Slug


-Digital Pilly

Friday 21 September 2007


Hey everyone, DigitalPilly here,

Welcome to my blog! This is mainly an art blog where i will be letting you in on my sketchbooks, random drawings, travels and yes... My CrEaTiViTy!

Please enjoy it.

PS. Im SORRY to say but i wont be having Flash for a while as my old laptop got stolen and i have replaced it with a shiny new black macbook to add to the dark dog theme. BUT this will help me get my imagination out on paper which you will surely enjoy so sit back, relax with your hot cup of coffee (Or whatever hot beverage you like to chug lug) and enjoy the show!

- Digital Pilly